MongoDB CRUD Operations
Insert and Find Documents
Insert Documents in a Collection
Insert a single document
student_id: 654321,
class_id: 550,
Insert multiple documents
student_id: 546789,
class_id: 551,
student_id: 777777,
class_id: 550,
student_id: 223344,
class_id: 551,
Find Documents in a Collection
View all the documents in the collection
Retrieve a specific document from the collection
_id: {
$eq: ObjectId("5c8eccc1caa187d17ca6ed16")
Implicit syntax of $eq
_id: ObjectId("5c8eccc1caa187d17ca6ed16")
Select all documents that have a field value equal to any of the values specified in the array
city: {
Find Documents by Using Comparison Operators
Comparison operators:
(greater than)$lt
(less than)$gte
(greater than or equal to)$lte
(less than or equal to)
"items.price": { $gt: 50 }
, which includes quotation marks.Query on Array Elements
For instance, here we have a collection named accounts.
"account_id": 470650,
"limit": 10000,
"products": ["CurrencyService", "Commodity", "InvestmentStock"]
Lets examine a query:
"products": "InvestmentStock"
The query is looking for products
field that has a value equal to "InvestmentStock" or a products
field with an array containing an element equal to "InvestmentStock".
If we want to query for a value or values but only return a match when they're an element of an array, we can use the $elemMatch
products: {
$elemMatch: { $eq: "InvestmentStock" }
We can also use $elemMatch
to find documents where a single array element matches multiple query criteria.
items: {
$elemMatch: { name: "laptop", price: { $gt: 800 }, quantity: { $gte: 1 } },
Find Documents by Using Logical Operators
Logical Operators:
Find a document by using $and
$and: [{ "": "Southwest Airlines" }, { stops: { $gte: 1 } }]
Implicit syntax of $and
"": "Southwest Airlines",
stops: { $gte: 1 }
Find a document by using $or
$or: [{ dst_airport: "SEA" }, { src_airport: "SEA" }]
Use the $and
operator to use multiple $or
expressions in our query
$and: [
{ $or: [{ dst_airport: "SEA" }, { src_airport: "SEA" }] },
{ $or: [{ "": "American Airlines" }, { airplane: 320 }] },
Replace and Delete Documents
Replace a Document
To replace documents in MongoDB, we use the replaceOne()
{ _id: ObjectId("6286809e2f3fa87b7d86dccd") },
common_name: "Morning Dove",
scientific_name: "Zenaida macroura",
wingspan_cm: 37.23,
habitat: ["urban areas", "farms", "grassland"],
diet: ["seeds"],
Update Documents by Using updateOne()
The $set
operator replaces the value of a field with the specified value.
{ _id: ObjectId("5e8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8") },
{ $set: { subscribers: 98562, }, }
The $push
operator is used to add a new element to an array field.
{ _id: ObjectId("5e8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8") },
{ $push: { hosts: "Nic Raboy" } }
Use the $each
modifier to add multiple elements to the array
{ _id: ObjectId("6268471e613e55b82d7065d7") },
$push: {
diet: { $each: ["newts", "opossum", "skunks", "squirrels"] },
The upsert
option creates a new document if no documents match the filtered criteria.
{ title: "The Developer Hub" },
{ $set: { topics: ["databases", "MongoDB"] } },
{ upsert: true }
Update Documents by Using findAndModify()
The findAndModify()
method is used to find and replace a single document in MongoDB.
query: { _id: ObjectId("6261a92dfee1ff300dc80bf1") },
update: { $inc: { subscribers: 1 } },
new: true,
query: { zip: 87571 },
update: { $set: { city: "TAOS", state: "NM", pop: 40000 } },
upsert: true,
new: true,
This is a powerful method that guarantees the correct version of the document will be returned without another thread modifying the document before we are able to view it.
Update Documents by Using updateMany()
To update multiple documents, use the updateMany()
{ publishedDate: { $lt: new Date("2019-01-01") } },
{ $set: { status: "LEGACY" } }
It's important to note that updateMany is not an all or nothing operation. By this we mean that in the rare instance where the operation fails, updateMany will not roll back the updates. So only some documents may be updated. If this happens, we need to run updateMany again to update the remaining documents.
Delete Documents
To delete documents, use the deleteOne()
or deleteMany()
db.podcasts.deleteOne({ _id: Objectid("6282c9862acb966e76bbf20a") })
db.routes.deleteOne({ src_airport: "DEN", dst_airport: "XNA" })
db.podcasts.deleteMany({ category: “crime” })
db.birds.deleteMany({ sightings_count: { $lte: 10 } })
Modify Query Results
Sort and Limit Query Results
Sort Results
Use cursor.sort()
to return query results in a specified order.
Within the parentheses of sort()
, include an object that specifies the field(s) to sort by and the order of the sort. Use 1 for ascending order, and -1 for descending order.
// Return data on all music companies, sorted alphabetically from A to Z.
db.companies.find({ category_code: "music" }).sort({ name: 1 });
To ensure documents are returned in a consistent order, include a field that contains unique values in the sort. An easy way to do this is to include the _id
field in the sort. Here's an example:
// Return data on all music companies, sorted alphabetically from A to Z. Ensure consistent sort order
db.companies.find({ category_code: "music" }).sort({ name: 1, _id: 1 });
Limit Results
Use cursor.limit()
to return query results in a specified order.
Within the parentheses of limit()
, specify the maximum number of documents to return.
// Return the three music companies with the highest number of employees. Ensure consistent sort order.
.find({ category_code: "music" })
.sort({ number_of_employees: -1, _id: 1 })
Return Specific Data from a Query
We can limit the amount of data sent from MongoDB and improve our bandwidth performance by selecting which fields are returned. We refer to this process as projection.
To specify fields to include or exclude in the result set, add a projection document as the second parameter in the call to db.collection.find()
To include a field, set its value to 1 in the projection document.
// Return all restaurant inspections - business name, result, and _id fields only
{ sector: "Restaurant - 818" },
{ business_name: 1, result: 1 }
To exclude a field, set its value to 0 in the projection document.
// Return all inspections with result of "Pass" or "Warning" - exclude date and zip code
{ result: { $in: ["Pass", "Warning"] } },
{ date: 0, "": 0 }
It's important to note that inclusion and exclusion statements can't be combined in most projections. The _id
field, however, is the exception.
While the _id
field is included by default, it can be suppressed by setting its value to 0 in any projection.
// Return all restaurant inspections - business name and result fields only
{ sector: "Restaurant - 818" },
{ business_name: 1, result: 1, _id: 0 }
Count Documents in a Collection
Use db.collection.countDocuments()
to count the number of documents that match a query.
// Count number of docs in trip collection
// Count number of trips over 120 minutes by subscribers
db.trips.countDocuments({ tripduration: { $gt: 120 }, usertype: "Subscriber" })
MongoDB CRUD Operations in Node.js
Example 1
const dbname = "bank"
const collection_name = "accounts"
const accountsCollection = client.db(dbname).collection(collection_name)
const sampleAccounts = [
account_id: "MDB011235813",
account_holder: "Ada Lovelace",
account_type: "checking",
balance: 60218,
account_id: "MDB829000001",
account_holder: "Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi",
account_type: "savings",
balance: 267914296,
const main = async () => {
try {
await connectToDatabase()
let result = await accountsCollection.insertMany(sampleAccounts)
console.log(`Inserted ${result.insertedCount} documents`)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error inserting documents: ${err}`)
} finally {
await client.close()
Example 2
const database = client.db(dbname);
const bank = database.collection(collection_name);
const documentsToUpdate = { account_type: "checking" };
const update = { $push: { transfers_complete: "TR413308000" } }
const main = async () => {
try {
await connectToDatabase()
let result = await accountsCollection.updateMany(documentsToUpdate, update)
result.modifiedCount > 0
? console.log(`Updated ${result.modifiedCount} documents`)
: console.log("No documents updated")
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error updating documents: ${err}`)
} finally {
await client.close()